Kind Mind
A Powerful (and simple!) Daily Rhythm

A Powerful (and simple!) Daily Rhythm

As the new school year kicks off, it's the perfect time to think about the kind of classroom environment you want to create. Beyond lesson plans and academics, fostering a sense of compassion among your students can make a world of difference. Compassion isn't just about being kind; it's about understanding others' feelings, recognizing when someone needs support, and being willing to help. In a classroom setting, this can translate into a more inclusive, supportive, and positive atmosphere where every student feels like they belong. And it's way more fun!


Incorporating simple compassion practices into your Daily Rhythm doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming. Start with small gestures, like greeting each student with eye contact and asking them one-on-one, "how is your morning going so far?". Modeling this will naturally encourage students to share their thoughts and feelings, and listen to one another. These simple things (eye contact, asking, and listening) will create an environment where everyone feels safe, seen, and heard, all foundational to living resilient lives. What's more, taking the time to engage with each student this way throughout the morning will make YOU feel better, too.


Kind Mind builds simple, evidence-based practices into the classroom's daily routine that are proven to impact emotional distress, anxiety, bullying, and a sense of belonging. As you make your way through these practices, you will see internal shifts within yourself and your students. We want everyone to deeply embody compassion, not just understand what it means. Kind Mind cultivates skills through practice.


As you embark on this new school year, remember that while academic success is important, the teachings of empathy, kindness, and compassion are the ones that will truly shape your students’ futures, and give you the energy you need to sustain the school year. By fostering a compassionate classroom first, you're teaching life skills that will help your students thrive beyond the classroom walls.


This month, start cultivating compassion with simple, heartfelt greetings with each student throughout the morning. Notice how YOU feel when you take a moment of eye contact... this is proven to soothe the nervous system and lower stress.

Look for WEEKLY TIPS in your inbox every Sunday at 4:30pm for simple practices that will nurture your learning environment.

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